Warning: Use at your own risk! π John Hammond shows dodgy websites on the Dark Web, explains the difference between Dark, Deep and Clear and how you can gain access using TOR.
Disclaimer: All information shared in this video is for educational purposes only. We do not recommend that you use the dark web for anything else except for education or prevention.
nAdvice for White Hats and the dark web? 0:00
nVisibility into ransomware gangs: 1:00
nHolding your data for ransom (ransomware) 2:30
nRagnar locker leaks site: 2:55
nDon’t ask the police: 3:23
nWho are Ragnar: 4:01
nREvil Happy Blog: 4:23
nKaseya REvil Attack: 5:20
nBlackMatter Ransomware: 6:35
nCybersecurity awareness month / Soul destroying: 7:37
nHow do I learn this as a good person: 8:27
nTor / Dark Web real world: 9:13
nJohn Hammond the hacker: 10:20
nWhat is Tor and the dark web: 10:50
nTor browser: 12:12
nThe next step (onion domains): 12:30
nSilk Road / Ross Ulbricht: 13:30
nClearnet vs dark web: 13:58
nWhat do I get access to this: 14:50
nDisclaimer: This is for educational purposes only: 15:00
nTails Linux: 16:00
nEdward Snowden recommendations: 17:14
nTor relays: 18:20
nTails and Tor are a good way to explore: 19:00
nGoogle for the Dark Web: 19:18
nHow do you find the onion site? 19:55
nJohn’s onion links: 21:11
nDark web search engines: 21:50
ot safe for work (turn off javascript): 23:22
nProcess to find things (Operating System / Tor / Search engine / find): 24:00
nHire a hacker: 25:40
nRent a hacker website: 26:50
nMarketplace / ebay /amazon: 28:00
nHire hacker / ddos examples: 29:58
nToo easy to find this stuff: 31:10
nHow did you find stuff: 31:40
nDon’t do this at school: 32:20
nReal world malware: 32:50
nDark web forums: 33:20
nxxs example: 34:09
nCan you get access on the clearnet: 34:50
nCraziest thing you found: 35:20
nHacker’s court: 36:30
nIt’s a safari ride: 37:15
nxxs forum in detail: 38:13
nSolarwinds: 41:32
nIs it worth it? 42:40
nVisibility into ransomware gangs: 43:45
nRagnar locker leaks site: 45:37
nREvil Happy Blog: 47:11
nKaseya REvil Attack: 48:05
nBlackMatter Ransomware: 50:17
nCybersecurity awareness month / Soul destroying: 51:00
nHow do I learn this as a good person: 52:10
nWould you recommend this for me: 52:33
nIt’s not a game: 54:18
John Hammond Playlist: https://davidbombal.wiki/johnhammond
nCoect with me:
nDiscord: http://discord.davidbombal.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/davidbombal
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Or, buy my CCNA course and support me:
nDavidBombal.com: CCNA ($10): http://bit.ly/yt999ccna
Udemy CCNA Course: https://bit.ly/ccnafor10dollars
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nCoect with John:
nYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/johnhammond010
nTwitter: https://twitter.com/_johnhammond
nLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnhammond
dark web
ndeep web
nonion websites
nmalware analysis
ncybersecurity jobs
nethical hacking
nhacking jobs
njohn hammond
nhack the box
ntry hack me
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ncybersecurity careers
noscp certification
nctf for begiers
nfirst job
ncybersecurity job
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#darkweb #hacking #tor