I passed the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam! Here are my first thoughts and feedback about the exam. Some good, but some surprises in the ccna exam! However, this experience will help make my CCNA training even better. Good thing I decided to take the exam and see what’s on it. I think you will also be happy I did this.
It’s the new ccna exam, with lots of updates including wireless technologies, devnet and other technologies to help you launch your career in networking. Once you get your ccna, you are on your path to ccnp and ccie!
Video is about my ccna 200 301 exam experience: tips & tricks
Additional Q&A plus tips:
Question: How many questions in the exam? Answer: Over 100. You get about 1 minute per question, so use your time wisely.
Tip: Write down your subnetting tables or any other important information before you click start. You will have time to do things before you actually start the exam.
Tip: Arrive at least 15 minutes early at the test centre.
Tip: Don’t stress if you cannot answer one question. Just do your best. You have over 100 questions in the exam.
Cisco OCGs:
CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Library: http://bit.ly/ccnaocg
CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Library Premium Edition eBook and Practice Test: http://bit.ly/ocgpremium
Referenced Videos:
SDN overview: https://youtu.be/l-DcbQhFAQs
Administrative Distance: https://youtu.be/P7pl-hb5-ik
Free and trial Network Software:
WAN Killer: http://bit.ly/wankiller
Engineers Toolset: http://bit.ly/gns3toolset
IP Address Scanner: http://bit.ly/swipscan
Network Device Scanner: http://bit.ly/swnetscan
Wifi Heat Map: http://bit.ly/wifiheat
Wifi Analyzer: http://bit.ly/swwifianalyzer
CCNP Enterprise
CCNP Security
CCNP Data Center
CCNP Service Provider
CCNP Collaboration
Cisco Certified Devnet Professional
Cisco Certified Network Professional
Linux Professional Institute
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