I interview Al Sweigart, the author of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python and other fantastic Python books. You can get all of his books for free using the links below. Or you can buy the physical books.
Learn about Python, Minecraft, Ciphers, Recursion, Python Gaming and a lot more with Al\’s fantastic books. And you can read them online for free 🙂
// MENU //
00:00 – Coming up
00:15 – Intro
00:23 – History of writing books
03:11 – The \”Long Lunch Break\” story
04:45 – Python for hacking
09:05 – History of writing books (continued)
11:18 – The books are free online (CC license)
12:12 – Al\’s YouTube channel and Udemy courses
14:03 – Giving and receiving
15:07 – Popularity of the book
16:24 – Al\’s history of programming
23:13 – Making knowledge accessible
26:31 – Coding within Minecraft
27:45 – Getting people of all ages interested in programming
30:01 – Learn coding to accomplish something
34:06 – Making things simple
37:37 – The third edition
38:43 – The popular chapters of the book
45:40 – The least popular chapter of the book
47:59 – Recommended programming languages
50:03 – Scratch.mit.edu
54:03 – Scratch Jr.
54:48 – Recommended book for adults learning programming
56:24 – Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python book
01:00:40 – \”Whetting the appetite\”
01:03:56 – Cracking Codes with Python book
01:05:36 – Giving people a reason to learn programming
01:07:01 – Coding is so good you won\’t go back
01:07:49 – Last words
01:09:18 – Conclusion
// FREE Books //
Free Python books: https://inventwithpython.com/
Automate the boring stuff free book: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/
// Physical Books //
Buy books from Amazon:
Automate the boring stuff with Python: https://amzn.to/3N2QuYu
The big book of small Python projects: https://amzn.to/3xFJevS
Coding with Minecraft: https://amzn.to/3Hx6bGh
Cracking codes with Python: https://amzn.to/3zNhWXl
The recursive book of recursion: https://amzn.to/3n0bJiV
Invent your own computer games with Python: https://amzn.to/3bbGZZQ
Beyond the basic stuff with Python: https://amzn.to/3badlUy
Buy physical books from No Starch Press: https://nostarch.com/automatestuff2
// Al\’s SOCIAL //
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlSweigart
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Albert10110
Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/automate/
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#python #minecraft #hacking