Learn real world pentesting plus which tools are the best to use with Ex-NSA Hacker Neal Bridges. Neal tells us what he carries in his backpack when doing real world pentests.
My apologies for the issues with this video. I had to remove the previously uploaded video because I had movie clips like Mr Robot and The Spy Game in the video and YouTube didn’t like them… so I had to remove the video 🙁
Introduction: 0:00
Neal sees pentesting differently: 1:17
Neal’s advice from experience: 2:00
Neal’s 5,000 pentests: 3:18
Take NSA and experience: 4:30
Preparation is key: 5:10
OSINT: 5:50
Actual Pentest report: 6:30
Pretexting: 7:50
Another real world example: 8:45
Plaing is very important: 9:30
Leave stuff in your car? 10:15
Right tools for the job: 11:55
Top tools: 12:05
Extra cables: 12:30
Hak5 Ethernet cable: 12:58
Is Hak5 a necessity: 13:10
Rubber Ducky: 13:57
Hak5 are great: 14:30
Real world example of equipment: 15:00
You can create your own stuff: 15:30
Your time is money: 16:10
Proxmark: 16:30
Crazy RFID reader: 17:30
Poor plaing RFID example: 18:50
Your time is worth something! 20:20
Hone your tradecraft: 21:00
Proxmark explanation: 21:20
A reader doesn’t give you access. You need a pretext: 21:50
Social engineering: 23:50
You need a story: 25:50
Social Engineering vs tech: 26:04
Physical access is king: 29:00
What to do once past the door: 30:00
Military facility pentest: 31:19
Look for a network port: 33:27
You want to get out of there: 34:49
Hak5 Lan turtle: 35:04
Back of computer vs switch: 36:35
Pop it into the back of the computer: 37:32
What about WiFi: 38:11
TP-Link WiFi Card: 38:50
Ubertooth: 39:50
HackRF One: 40:50
Hak5 Pineapple: 41:56
SDR: 42:09
Real world example: 43:00
Alfa Network Adapter: 44:13
Wifi Hacking: 44:50
Alfa not practical so much: 44:49
You caot charge for a WiFi pentest: 46:20
You are making it real: 47:17
WiFi can be social engineering: 47:45
Captive portal: 48:47
Rogue Access point: 49:40
Real world wifi pentest example: 50:40
Port Security: 51:30
Hak5 Pineapple access corporate network: 51:57
Always social engineering: 52:34
Pyramid of pain: 53:00
Stuxnet: 53:14
Telsa attack: 54:45
NSA examples: 55:07
Human Intelligence Hacking Example: 56:32
Another hacking example: 58:40
WiFi hacking example: 1:00:18
Neal’s photo while hacking: 1:01:32
Once inside, you are trusted: 1:03:22
Summary of devices: 1:03:40
Hak5 switch: 1:03:55
Extra cables: 1:04:08
Hak5 Rubber Ducky: 1:04:15
Hak5 Pineapple: 1:04:30
Hak5 Bash Buy: 1:04:54
Hak5 Packet Squirrel: 1:04:58
Ubertooth: 1:06:26
Proxmark: 1:06:31
Value of networking knowledge: 1:07:00
Neal got his CCNA: 1:07:32
Very few companies use port security properly: 1:08:50
Cain and Abel: 1:10:08
Are zero days worth it: 1:11:00
Shiny objects vs Neal’s wisdom: 1:12:05
Real world hard talk: 1:13:37
What do you recommend: 1:14:25
Neal and David going to do something: 1:16:55
Buy Hak5 coolness here:
Buy Hak5: https://davidbombal.wiki/gethak5
Buy ShareBrained Technology:
PortaPack: https://www.sharebrained.com/
nCoect with me:
nDiscord: http://discord.davidbombal.com
nTwitter: https://www.twitter.com/davidbombal
nInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidbombal
nLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbombal
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nTikTok: http://tiktok.com/@davidbombal
nYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/davidbombal
nSupport me:
nJoin thisisIT: https://bit.ly/thisisitccna
nOr, buy my CCNA course and support me:
nDavidBombal.com: CCNA ($10): http://bit.ly/yt999ccna
nUdemy CCNA Course: https://bit.ly/ccnafor10dollars
nGNS3 CCNA Course: CCNA ($10): https://bit.ly/gns3ccna10
Coect with Neal:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/cyberinsecurity
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nealbridges/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ITJunkie
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cyber_insecurity
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Please note that links listed may be affiliate links and provide me with a small percentage/kickback should you use them to purchase any of the items listed or recommended. Thank you for supporting me and this chael!
#hacking #cybersecurity #hak5